Shabbat Gathering: Stormy's b'nei mitzvah!

Dear Chevra, as is our custom, we will gather tonight at 5.45p ct to welcome Shabbat. These are the coordinates:

Meeting ID: 963 5113 1550
Password: 1989
Phone: +1 312 626 6799

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Here we go.

Stormy's a b'nei mitzvah!

The kiddish, which our Friday Night Shabbat Gathering and some other volunteers provided, was laid out with care. Red kippahs and our siddurs were distributed to the congregation. Stormy looked spiffy in a black shirt, white vest, and red bow tie. The congregation was seated and Stormy’s b’nei mitzvah began.

Julia was in perfect voice (of course) and Avi was warmed up on guitar and piano. Carla made sure the Zoom was working. Stormy and Rabbi Laurie called the congregation to order, and off we go!

Stormy led the service, diligently singing all the prayers. Early in the service, Stormy’s mother presented Stormy with a beautiful tallit. That was touching.
When the Torah was taken from the ark it was passed down to Stormy through the generations: Celeste to Shahanna to Lydia. There were five aliyot and Stormy chanted the final one. Stormy did an amazing job, of course.

Stormy delivered a terrific drash that had the congregation laughing and thinking. After the drash, our president, Lisi, presented Stormy with a havdallah set given by the congregation and Rabbi Renee read Stormy a poem written by Judith. Later, Dorith, the leader of our Torah Study chavurah, presented Stormy with a shtender from that group.

A shtender.

Kiddish blessing were said outside and then everyone made a beeline to the buffet line to enjoy the wonderful food and hot coffee. It was nice for some of us Friday Nighters to see each other in person. So many people from our group took part in the preparations of the kiddish, I can’t mention names for fear of leaving someone out. Three pounds of lox proved to be insufficient unto the simcha, but… lesson learned. Next time, eight pounds.

A wonderful time was had by all. It was a blessing. Congratulations Stormy!

And may it be for all of us a blessing.

See you tonight!
Gut Shabbes!

All my love,


A ‘gender-sensitive’ translation of the Hebrew Bible has hit digital shelves. Not everyone is happy. - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Revised Jewish Publication Society edition of the Bible uses gender-neutral language when referring to God.
