Shabbat Gathering: Retreat report

Gud Shabbos Khaveyrim, as is our custom, we will gather tonight at 5.45p ct to welcome Shabbat. These are the coordinates:
Meeting ID: 883 8469 4181
Password: 822665
Phone: +1 312 626 6799
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Here we go.
Last weekend, I attended the synagogue's retreat. It was terrific. We knitted and crocheted, played board games and put together jigsaw puzzles, danced and sang and drummed, hiked, sang karaoke, ate delicious food, schmoozed, prayed, watched movies, and more. There was enough coffee and even snacks.
I had an especially good time getting to know people better. I got to hang out with Reid. And I got to "meet" people I've seen in synagogue for years but never had the chance to get to know better, until now. I had an especially good time doing this because these are the ties that bind me even tighter to the synagogue.
Some people came just for Shabbat. Others were at the retreat just for Sunday. And some of us were there for both days and the night in between.
This is only the second time I've attended the synagogue's winter retreat. I regret missing so many of them. One of the many things that make Judaism so special is that it's a faith that is practiced in community. The synagogue's retreat is a terrific opportunity for us to learn more about each other and learn what makes our synagogue community so great.
And may it be for all of us a blessing.
See you tonight!
Mit vareme grusn,
(With warm regards,)
All my love,

Channel Zero Podcast.
