Shabbat Gathering: Your recipes are needed.

Shabbat Gathering: Your recipes are needed.
Your turn to fill in the blanks.

Dear Chevra,

This is a special edition of our Shabbat Gathering newsletter. It's a call to action.

During our lovely gathering last night, we discussed some of our favorite (and least favorite) recipes for Passover and beyond and someone had the idea that we should have a special edition of our newsletter compiling our recipes so we can better share them. --Okay! Let's do it!

Obviously, this is only going to work if you send me your recipes, so I'm handing you the mic so you can do your part. It's culinary karaoke! Your contribution will be credited, of course, so you can accrue praise and fame or otherwise. (Just kidding.)

Don't limit yourself to Passover recipes because Passover will be over by the time the newsletter is published. But let's strike while the iron is hot. Please send me your recipes by this coming Wednesday, April 20th. (Better yet, just send them to me this weekend.) I'll compile them and send them out in the Friday, April 22nd newsletter. Don't worry about the format. Don't even worry if the recipe isn't kosher, but let's not be obviously treyf. This is our collection of recipes for us. Send me what you want. And you can send them to me at

Okay? Great. Thanks!

Gud Shabbos,

Matzah Brei. No comment. Just pass me the ketchup.