Shabbat Gathering: I’m sorry.

Dear Chevrei, as is our custom, we will gather tonight at 5.45p ct to welcome Shabbat. These are the coordinates:

Meeting ID: 883 8469 4181
Password: 822665
Phone: +1 312 626 6799

(To unsubscribe from the newsletter, click the link at the very bottom of this email.)

Here we go.

I have never, NEVER, received a reaction to one of these weekly newsletters like I did last week. And I think I never want to receive that type of reaction again. Let me explain.

Usually, I get no feedback at all about this newsletter. Of the eight people who wrote to me about last week’s issue, one was negative. The other seven applauded. One reader pointed out that some Palestinians in Israel do have a right to the vote and Arab parties hold some seats in Israel’s knesset. I opened Wikipedia and found out there are ten Arab members of the Israeli knesset out of a total number of 120 seats. Arab members include Muslim and Druze. I apologize for the mistake.

I used to work in public relations for some of the largest tech companies in the world and was taught that for every piece of feedback we received there were fifty times as many people who had a reaction but didn’t bother to express it. I wasn’t asking for the negative feedback and I wasn’t particularly looking for positive feedback. (Don’t get me wrong: The positive emails stoked my ego.) What I certainly did accomplish was to raise your “blood pressure” along with mine. For me, that was counter productive to the original overall intent of this newsletter.

And I hope I never have this type of reaction again.

One cappuccino, extra foam.

This newsletter was founded on the principle of being as light and frothy as a cappuccino. I’ve written about how to get wax off Shabbat candle sticks, and the origins of our prayers at the Shabbat Gathering, and the history of Jews and garlic (one of my favorites). I never intended to delve into controversial topics but last week I did anyway. My “blood pressure” was high about the war and I wanted to point us towards a point of view that seems to make sense to me.

Even though all but one of the reactions were positive, all I really want to do is to remind us that the Shabbat Gathering is happening (or not), give us the coordinates on how to connect, and maybe provide some content that might amuse us. You've noticed the PSs I’ve attached to the bottom of the emails. That’s the sort of content I strive for.

So, I apologize and will endeavor never to do it again.

And may it be for all of us a blessing.

See you tonight!
Gut Shabbes!

All my love,


The Best Jewish Ghost Stories Are in the Talmud - Hey Alma
The Talmud is a varied and winding document full of tangents. It has legal rulings, ethical debates, history and even ghost stories. Yes, it’s true: In Berakhot 18b, the Rabbis tell ghost stories to argue different points, trying to prove whether or not those who have died still know about what happ…


I've heard from our dear friend Josh and will give you an update tonight.
